Thursday, February 08, 2007


I think I came out a bit raving during Thursday's Coding Dojo; I did a quick-and-dirty derivation of the brute-force countdown program for last afternoon's session, and I only had an hour to work with. Not only that, but I had to try to explain what I was doing while coding things up, and that almost inevitably gets me into trouble. And I needed to write unit tests too. And make unintentional mistakes to justify those unit tests. I'll show one of those mistakes at the end of this post.

Actually, it was really exciting! But my body felt so totally exhausted at the end of it. Much of it is performance, exaggerations and all. My stage persona is one that's, well, a bit crazed. I'm not exactly sure what the audience thought about it. I hope folks thought was worth it and that the content was useful.

The function where I made a mistake was this: we were writing a function to see if any number expression was reused. One way to check for this condition is to do a depth-first traversal across the expression, watching to see if any number appears twice.

Here's a variation of what I did:

(require (lib ""))

;; Data structures, of course, for our expressions:
(define-struct num (n))
(define-struct comb (left op right))

;; is-legal?: expr -> boolean
;; Returns true if no num is reused more than once in the expression
;; or its subexpressions.
(define (is-legal? expr)
(define ht (make-hash-table))

(define (seen-already? expr)
(hash-table-get ht expr #f))

(define (mark-as-seen! expr)
(hash-table-put! ht expr #t))

(let loop ([expr expr])
(match expr
[(struct num (n))
[(seen-already? n) #f]
(mark-as-seen! expr)
[(struct comb (l o r))
(and (loop l) (loop r))])))

Thankfully, I also wrote a test case.

(require (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt"))
(planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt")))

(define simple-test-suite
(test-true "check simple case"
(is-legal? (make-num 3)))
(let ([n1 (make-num 4)])
(test-false "check false"
(is-legal? (make-comb n1 + n1))))))

(test/text-ui simple-test-suite)

And the test case quickly showed that I screwed up somewhere.

Welcome to DrScheme, version 369.6-svn24jan2007 [3m].
Language: Pretty Big (includes MrEd and Advanced Student).
testing > check false
check false has a FAILURE
name: check-false
location: struct:object:...ascheme/>:39:5
params: (#t)
1 success(es) 1 failure(s) 0 error(s) 2 test(s) run

Oh no! Terror! But thankfully, I figured out I had made a type error: the hash-table should always hold expressions, and to my chagrin, I stuffed the primitive number into it instead. Easy to fix.

(define (is-legal? expr)
(define ht (make-hash-table))

(define (seen-already? expr)
(hash-table-get ht expr #f))

(define (mark-as-seen! expr)
(hash-table-put! ht expr #t))

(let loop ([expr expr])
(match expr
[(struct num (n))
[(seen-already? expr) #f]
(mark-as-seen! expr)
[(struct comb (l o r))
(and (loop l) (loop r))])))

And hesitantly pressed Run on my tests.

Welcome to DrScheme, version 369.6-svn24jan2007 [3m].
Language: Pretty Big (includes MrEd and Advanced Student).
2 success(es) 0 failure(s) 0 error(s) 2 test(s) run


In all, it was a fun day.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Recently, I've been going to a Coding Dojo to practice my programming chops. One of the problems presented so far has been the Countdown program from RubyQuiz. I thought I might give it a shot, and cooked up a solution in Scheme, and it wasn't too bad.

I'll try to give an write-up on how one might attack the problem starting from scratch, and rather than just give a perfect solution, I'll go at this iteratively. (And make accidental mistakes along the way!)

The idea behind the countdown problem is that we are doing exhaustive "brute-force" search for all arithmetic expressions. For example, if we limit ourselves to the numbers 3, 4, and 5, and the only operations are addition and multiplication, here's a conceptual trace of what expressions we'll be brutishly looking at:


That the first phase. Then we take pairs of numbers here, and build new expressions:

3 + 4
3 + 5
4 + 5
3 * 4
3 * 5
4 * 5

Ok, now we take pairs again, combining stuff from previous phases and the phase we just generated:

3 + (4 + 5)
3 + (4 * 5)
4 + (3 + 5)
4 + (3 * 5)
5 + (3 + 4)
5 + (3 * 5)
3 * (4 + 5)
3 * (4 * 5)
4 * (3 + 5)
4 * (3 * 5)
5 * (3 + 4)
5 * (3 * 5)

Whew! Even with three numbers, this gets a bit long.

I should be more formal for a moment. By an expression, I mean either a number, or something that involves two smaller expressions and a number. In Backus-Naur Form, that's:

expression = number
| expression op expression

Let's create a data definition in Scheme for this.

(module countdown mzscheme
(provide (all-defined))
;; An expression is either a
;; (make-num n)
;; where n is a number, or
;; (make-comb l o r)
;; where l and r are expressions, and op is an operator.
(define-struct num (n))
(define-struct comb (left op right)))

Ok, we have our expression data definition. We should also make a quick-and-dirty helper function to help us visually read expressions; let's call this expression->string:

(module countdown mzscheme
(require (lib ""))

;; [data definition omitted]

;; expression->string: expression -> string
;; Makes a nice human-readable expression.
(define (expression->string an-expr)
(define (operator->string an-op)
[(eq? an-op +) "+"]
[(eq? an-op *) "*"]))

(match an-expr
[(struct num (n)) (format "~a" n)]
[(struct comb (l o r))
(format "(~a ~a ~a)"
(expression->string l)
(operator->string o)
(expression->string r))]))

Ok, now that we've got this, let's exercise the code.

> (expression->string (make-comb (make-num 3) + (make-num 4)))
"(3 + 4)"

Good. But I'm feeling guilty; we should really make this a unit test. Let's pull in SchemeUnit, the unit testing framework for Scheme.

(module countdown mzscheme
(require ;; [other packages omitted]
(planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2))
(planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2)))

;; [code omitted]

(define countdown-tests
"tests for countdown"
"expression->string simple test"
(expression->string (make-comb (make-num 3) + (make-num 4)))
"(3 + 4)")))

(test/text-ui countdown-tests))

If we run this module, we see:

1 success(es) 0 failure(s) 0 error(s) 1 test(s) run

Very good.

Now let's see if we can build new expressions from old ones. The idea is that, if we have an existing collection of expressions, we want to pair two of them up together and do something with them. We might do this naively:

;; for-each-pairs: (X X -> void) (listof x) -> void
;; Calls f on distinct ordered pairs in the collection.
(define (for-each-pairs f collection)
(let outer-loop ([i 0])
(when (< i (length collection))
(let inner-loop ([j (add1 i)])
(when (< j (length collection))
(f (list-ref collection i) (list-ref collection j))
(inner-loop (add1 j))))
(outer-loop (add1 i)))))

Does this work?

> (for-each-pairs (lambda (x y) (printf "~a ~a~n" x y)) '(red blue green))
red blue
red green
blue green

Looks reasonable. Of course, now we want to use this to collect up all the pairs and build an addition and a multiplication from x and y. Let's call this build-next-generation. Oh, let's write our unit test first:

"build-next-generation simple"
(map expression->string
(build-next-generation (list (make-num 3)
(make-num 4))))
(list "(3 + 4)" "(3 * 4)"))

Ok, let's roll up our sleeves and do it.

;; build-next-generation: (listof expression) -> (listof expression)
;; Constructs new expressions from pairs of old ones.
(define (build-next-generation expressions)
(define next-gen '())

(define (collect! an-expr)
(set! next-gen (cons an-expr next-gen)))

(define (visit-pair e1 e2)
(collect! (make-comb e1 + e2))
(collect! (make-comb e1 * e2)))

(for-each-pairs visit-pair expressions)
(reverse! next-gen)

Ok, should work. On every pair, we combine two expressions, and collect them. We do a reverse! to put things in the order expected by the test case. (Although that might be a little silly.) Let's rerun our unit tests.

tests for countdown > build-next-generation simple
build-next-generation simple has a FAILURE
name: check-equal?
location: #:67:5
params: (("(3 * 4)") ("(3 + 4)" "(3 * 4)"))
actual: ("(3 * 4)")
expected: ("(3 + 4)" "(3 * 4)")
1 success(es) 1 failure(s) 0 error(s) 2 test(s) run

What?! Yes, there's something wrong here.

It turns out that I've misused reverse! here: I should just take the result of reverse! and return it directly.

(define (build-next-generation expressions)
(define next-gen '())

(define (collect! an-expr)
(set! next-gen (cons an-expr next-gen)))

(define (visit-pair e1 e2)
(collect! (make-comb e1 + e2))
(collect! (make-comb e1 * e2)))

(for-each-pairs visit-pair expressions)
(reverse! next-gen))

Hurrah for unit tests. But maybe we shouldn't do the reverse after all. Let me just fix up the test case to expect the paired expressions in a different order. Since I've made so many changes, let's show what the code looks like now:

(module countdown mzscheme
(provide (all-defined))
(require (lib "")
(planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2))
(planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2)))

;; An expression is either a
;; (make-num n)
;; where n is a number, or
;; (make-comb l o r)
;; where l and r are expressions, and op is an operator.
(define-struct num (n))
(define-struct comb (left op right))

;; expression->string: expression -> string
;; Makes a nice human-readable expression.
(define (expression->string an-expr)
(define (operator->string an-op)
[(eq? an-op +) "+"]
[(eq? an-op *) "*"]))

(match an-expr
[(struct num (n)) (format "~a" n)]
[(struct comb (l o r))
(format "(~a ~a ~a)"
(expression->string l)
(operator->string o)
(expression->string r))]))

;; for-each-pairs: (X X -> void) (listof x) -> void
;; Calls f on distinct ordered pairs in the collection.
(define (for-each-pairs f collection)
(let outer-loop ([i 0])
(when (< i (length collection))
(let inner-loop ([j (add1 i)])
(when (< j (length collection))
(f (list-ref collection i) (list-ref collection j))
(inner-loop (add1 j))))
(outer-loop (add1 i)))))

;; build-next-generation: (listof expression) -> (listof expression)
;; Constructs new expressions from pairs of old ones.
(define (build-next-generation expressions)
(define next-gen '())

(define (collect! an-expr)
(set! next-gen (cons an-expr next-gen)))

(define (visit-pair e1 e2)
(collect! (make-comb e1 + e2))
(collect! (make-comb e1 * e2)))

(for-each-pairs visit-pair expressions)

(define countdown-tests
"tests for countdown"
"expression->string simple test"
(expression->string (make-comb (make-num 3) + (make-num 4)))
"(3 + 4)")
"build-next-generation simple"
(map expression->string
(build-next-generation (list (make-num 3)
(make-num 4))))
(list "(3 * 4)" "(3 + 4)"))))

(test/text-ui countdown-tests))

Ok! Does this do what we'll need for brute-forcing the countdown problem?

> (define expressions (list (make-num 3)
(make-num 4)
(make-num 5)))
> (define generation-1 (append expressions (build-next-generation expressions)))
> (define generation-2 (append generation-1 (build-next-generation generation-1)))
> (map expression->string generation-2)
"(4 * 5)"
"(4 + 5)"
"(3 * 5)"
"(3 + 5)"
"(3 * 4)"
"(3 + 4)"
"((3 * 4) * (3 + 4))"
"((3 * 4) + (3 + 4))"
"((3 + 5) * (3 + 4))"
;; ... a LOT of output omitted
"(3 * (4 * 5))"
"(3 + (4 * 5))"
"(3 * 5)"
"(3 + 5)"
"(3 * 4)"
"(3 + 4)")

It's a beginning. It's not quite right, but it's getting there. Since this post is getting long, I'll split this up with another blog post later.


So I visited Amazon today to buy an egg timer. I was amused to see the following from Amazon's computerized recommendation system. The items were supposedly based on my prior purchases. I've put a screenshot of it here, just in case anyone else gets a chuckle out of it.